
Sometimes there’s more to registering than simply adding or dropping classes. We want to help you find the special registration options that apply to you.

我们的目标是帮助您做出充分知情的决定. That’s why you’ll find explanations of the different registration options below.


Each semester, you can sign up for (add) or remove (drop) classes during the drop-add period. 登录到 myMCC. Select the "登记" tile, then the "注册 for Classes" tile. If you need help, select the "How To Videos" tile or reference the 在校生注册指南电子邮件注册 如果你需要额外的帮助.



审计 a course means taking a class, but not getting graded or earning credit for it. While you don’t have to take any exams when auditing a course, 你还是要去上课的, 参与, 做阅读. That means even these “grade-free” classes require a commitment.

Any MCC student can audit a class with permission from the instructor. 因为经过审核的课程要收取全额学费, we recommend connecting with an advisor to go over your options 之前 you audit a class.

打印并填写 审计课程表格. 将填妥的表格电邮至登记处 在以下截止日期前:

学期 提交审核表格
秋天和春天  第一阶段结束 类的
夏天  第二次结束 一天 类的
Intersession  第一阶段结束 一天 类的


如果你是老年人, 世纪挑战集团的课程是免费的, 只要有空位就行. There is a $75 parking fee for students who will be on campus.


  • 60岁以上
  • 是纽约州居民
  • 注册 for classes during the fall 和 spring semesters only

2024年秋季 Senior Audit registration begins Wednesday, August 21st, 2024.


课程形式:校内授课 & 远程学习

世纪挑战集团将提供面对面的指导, while continuing to offer robust online offerings 和 remote options to allow for flexibility. For the distance learning formats, students will not come to campus.


考试学分 & CLEP

We want to give you credit for your learning experiences, 和 we offer two ways to do that:

  • College-Level Examination Program (CLEP): CLEP lets you take exams for college credit without attending class. 你最多可以获得30个学分. To receive credit, you need a minimum score (which varies by subject) on the CLEP exam. For more information on CLEP exams 和 local test sites, see the CLEP官方网站 或联络世纪挑战公司 测试服务.
  • 考试学分ination: You can earn up to 36 semester hours of credit towards your degree by taking different department examinations, 没有参加课程. The cost to earn credit by exam is equal to the rate for one credit hour.


我们有数百个 世纪挑战课程; however, if you don’t see a specific class you need at MCC 和 you find it offered at another college, 交叉注册可能是您的一个选择. 

MCC students can cross-register at another 纽约州立大学 school or another Rochester Area College (RAC).

纽约州立大学 cross-registration is offered in the spring, summer 和 fall terms; RAC in spring 和 fall only. 

交叉注册课程的学费由世纪挑战集团支付, 虽然你可能要付学费, technology or parking fees as required by the other institution.

检查 纽约州立大学 or RAC 有关交叉注册指南的更多信息. Cross-registration形式 都可以在网上找到.

If you are a student at another college 和 want to take a cross registered class at MCC, 从拜访你所在学校的注册办公室开始.


MCC partners with local school districts so students can get high school 和 college credit for their studies. This dual enrollment gives you a jump-start on your college education 和 future career even 之前 you’ve graduated.



并不是所有的学习都在校园的教室里进行. We believe in giving you a chance to extend your learning beyond homework assignments 和 tests. Independent study projects let you explore what inspires you with the advice 和 support of a faculty sponsor. 最棒的是? You get credit for your out-of-classroom learning experience.



找一门学期末开课的课?  Our late-start classes begin later than the first day of the term.

Looking for a course that takes less than the full semester to complete?  Our 不同长度的类 start at the beginning of the term, but end early.



高需求的课程通常都有候补名单, an electronic list of students waiting to enroll in a class 后 it has “closed,或达到最大容量.

登录myMCC to:

  • 加入等候名单
  • 检查你的候补名单状态
  • 管理你的候补名单
  • 把自己从候补名单上除名

Be sure to check your MCC student email daily to see if a seat is available for you. 



There are many reasons why you might need or want to withdraw. Before doing so, students should connect with their advisor. 他们可以检查你的选择, especially since withdrawing can affect your financial aid, 田径比赛资格, 退伍军人的福利. You are responsible for 100% of tuition if you withdraw from a course(s) 后 the add/drop period.


必须主动退出个别课程 时间表调整(删除/添加)周期,但是 之前 80% of the course has been completed as designated by the official 校历 (or a proportional amount of time for courses less than 15 weeks in length). 

要查看特定 夏天 2024 第一、二、三期退出日期,请参阅 校历.

The last day for students to withdraw from an individual course with a grade of "W" for the 2024年秋季 学期是2024年11月22日,星期五. (Varied length classes may have a different withdrawal date). 视图 上课晚不同长度的类.

To withdraw from one or more of your classes (but not a complete withdrawal):

  • 登录 myMCC
  • 点击注册标题
  • 单击“注册、删除或撤回类”按钮
  • 单击“注册”、“删除”或“撤回”
  • 选择当前术语
  • In the Summary panel, select the class(es) 和 choose "withdraw" from the action menu
  • 单击Submit

你也可以 通过电子邮件向注册中心发送提现请求 & 记录.  请写上你的名字, 学生M #, term 和 the specific course(s) from which you wish to withdraw.  The withdraw request will be processed as long as it is sent by the withdrawal deadline.


要查看特定 2024年夏天 第一、二、三期退出日期,请参阅 校历.

最后一天办理完整的提款手续 2024年秋季 学期是 2024年12月16日,星期一.  你的导师或顾问不能让你退学.  You are not officially withdrawn until this process is completed 和 risk receiving "F" grades for all current courses if you do not initiate a withdrawal.

If you wish to withdraw completely from the college, you must fill out the 完整的提款意愿表格 by 2024年12月16日,星期一.  Your withdrawal date is considered to be the date the official notification is received in the appropriate office.

If a student feels he or she has an extenuating circumstance that justifies an exception to the refund policy, 他或她可以提出学费上诉.  请参阅 学费退款上诉程序 在大学目录中. 

For more information on course withdraw, financial aid 和 readmission, please visit our 大学目录.